At week-ends my alarm wakes me up earlier than on other days..
Late in the evening or early in the morning I leave
For an equestrian centre, a stable or a horse show
Always I meet up with a friend.
I leave clean-looking and come back covered in dirt,
Summer and winters alike I walk in dust.
I brush, I currycomb, I saddle and I bridle,
I learn, I listen, I practise, I feel,
I write in silence….. my equestrian story.
I have been a rider for over twenty years
And I will carry on for much longer, I hope.
Morgane, Tacante founder
our values
our pledge
We wanted to do things the right way: build an even closer bond between Human and horse with our products. For us, this translates into designing innovative products that bring social and environmental responsibility to the forefront of all we do. We offer sustainable products to sensible riders.
Like many happy stories, Tacante is first and foremost a story of encounters and relationships
weaved over time. It is a story of Men and Horses. A story of nature lovers and experts passionate about their domains: horse riding, textiles, manufacturing, communication, and sustainable development, … who day after day write Tacante’s story.
our production
Our motto: designing innovative sustainable products! Our products are made in France from French or European textiles with a limited environmental impact and of no health risk for the rider or the horse.