Pepito Landais
Photos : © Ecuries Livio
Pepito Landais*HN a 1.65m bay SF stallion by Grenat de Grez and Abeille Landaise by Starter is IFCE’s property. He was born 17 years ago at Annick Dulin Roger and Luc Roger’s in the Manche in Normandy.
Mathilde Montginoux who was looking for a second horse to compete with on the young riders circuit met Pepito 10 years ago through Marcel Delestre. Pepito was then stationed at Châtenay in the same area as Mathilde.
True to its stallion reputation, Pepito gave Mathilde a hard time at the beginning. He was testing her. But he is now the horse of her life and don’t even try to say otherwise when she says he is the most gorgeous horse of the Livio stables!
Pepito the master of the Livio stables, submitted with good grace to answering Tacante’s questions for the equine encounter! A big thank you to Pepito and his biggest fan Mathilde Montginoux!
How was the lockdown for you?
Chilled. I tried to keep fit with a few exercises!
What has been happening since?
I was getting itchy feet! I was looking forward to going back to jumping arenas to compete and I really enjoyed being back in Le Mans.
Where do you live? Can you describe your stables?
Our stables are located in Dénezé-sous-Doué close to Saumur. They are very spacious with a lot of natural light and we are all housed in big stalls. There is a vast central area, and you will find all the work facilities for us to train and exercise – a jumping arena, a dressage arena, an Olympic size arena, a walker, etc. Every day we get to spend time in the wide paddocks and there are also lovely paths in the wood to go for rides.
How do you get on with your stable mates?
For starters keep in mind that I am a stallion and that I have been in the family for 10 years so, inevitably I am the master of the stables.
Incidentally, I am that very neighing horse who enters the stables at a trot.
As for my neighbours, on one side you will find Coup de tête, the eventing horse of Mathilde Cruse, and on the other side it is the secretary whom I like to keep an eye on to make sure she is working at her desk!
What is your best skill?
Mathilde would say that my heart is bigger than me. We go well together; we have a remarkably close relationship.
I am a very gentle horse and since I am extremely well trained, I hold the world record of the number of people who have ridden on my back. Mathilde even entrusts her 1.5-year-old son to me to take him for a gentle ride.
What is your worst flaw? What is the worst mischief you got into?
I wouldn’t call that mischiefs but more like a hobby! I love to take my headcollar off when I am tied up. It is a daily challenge; I am currently trying to break my own record. I can be extremely fast.
When we go hacking, I have to show that I am the boss. I am the eldest after all!
What is your favourite colour?
Orange like carrots!
What is your favourite activity?
To be filthy and roll in the dust even with Mathilde on my back!
What do you dislike most in the world?
The noise the donkey makes! Honestly how on earth one can produce such an inelegant sound?!
I just can’t stand that noise; it drives me nuts!
What has been your best memory?
When I won the Grand Prix in the Pro 1 at the 2015 Fontainebleau Grand Prix Classic.
Which frame of mind are you in at the moment?
In exceptionally good shape for an old codger! And even more motivated than I was 10 years ago. I am so happy to still being able to showjump!
I take the opportunity to pass a message: if you know of mares interested by a superb and talented stallion – the most beautiful of the the Livio stables – tell them to get in touch with my PA Mathilde Montginoux. She manages my private life too
How can we keep up to date with your news?
On the T3M FB and Insta and I have my own FB page too!
For more interviews with jumping personalities: Sultane des Ibis and Atome Z