Vendredi Biats

©Hélène Chancerelle / LN Photographe
Vendredi Biats aka Froggy, is a 16.2hh grey Selle Français by Winningmood Van de Arenberg and Liane Normande by Camelia de Ruelles. The talented gelding was born in 2009 at Philippe Brivois’ Ferme de Biats in France hence his nickname Owned by Diana Bown, Samantha Wilson, Sally Eyre and Sally Lloyd-Baker Vendredi is ridden by top British eventer Kitty King.
Tacante took the opportunity of meeting Kitty King in Le Lion d’Angers where she came first in the 6-Year-Old Young Horse World Championships with Cristal Fontaine – her other grey French boy – to ask her for an interview with Vendredi who was happy to oblige. We would also like to thank Douglas Carlile for sharing with us some memories of Vendredi’s early days!

Where does your name come from?
That’s an easy question: my studbook name is Vendredi not only because I was born on a Friday but also in reference with Robinson Crusoé! And my pet name is Froggy as this is how the French are nicknamed in Great Britain
Where do you live? Can you describe your stables?
I live in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside near Chippenham. I am extremely lucky as I have the biggest stable. The yards have all mod cons! We get hot and cold running water, we have a solarium, a horse walker, a large indoor school, 80 acres of grass land, a full set of show jumps and cross-country fences! 5* facilities!
How do you get on with your stable mates?
I had a bit of a reputation when I was younger! I am quite bossy and naughty and I like to bite. So I bite all my stable mates and at the same time I pretend they’re all my friends!
What do you like most about your rider?
Kitty and I were meant to work together! That doesn’t stop me from giving her a merrry dance sometimes though! I like bucking Kitty off. I am cheeky I find it extremely funny… I’m not sure she does though!
What is your best skill?
Jumping without a doubt… and bucking! Ahahah!
What is your worst flaw?
I am very cocky. I think I am the best – well I am French after all! I was backed by Tom Carlile who regularly found himself on the ground, and then moved to William Fox-Pitt‘s who got tired of my bucking and my bad temper! You see?!
What is your guilty pleasure? Do you sometimes act like a diva?
I love grapes and apples. I actually help myself to apples in the trees when I am grazing! And I also love listening to rock’n roll music!
It is quite obvious that I act like a diva since I AM a diva!
What is your favourite colour?
Brown but I am grey!
Which dream would you like to come true in your life?
Win everything: all the big British eventing competitions, Badminton, etc.
What is your favourite activity?
I really enjoy rolling and bucking! It is a pity there’s no test in rolling and bucking because I would win every single time!
What makes you feel the happiest?
I love being out in the field covered in mud! And I am so cheeky that I actually also enjoy observing my super groom Chloe watch me with a look of horror on her face at the thought of having to wash me afterwards!
What do you dislike most in the world?
Dressage… so boring. Can you imagine? I am not even allowed to roll nor buck!
What has been your best memory?
Coming 4th at Bramham International Horse Trials CCI 3* this year. Yeah!!
Which frame of mind are you in at the moment?
Feeling naughty Watch out!
Do you have a life motto you would like to share with us?
Buck high, roll hard and gallop on!
How can we keep up to date with your news?
You can find all my news on Kitty‘s Facebook page.
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