Mr Chuck Bass

MR BASS is a 9-year-old bay gelding performing under the saddle of Laura Collett. The 16.2hh Holsteiner by Carrico x K-Jeunesse was born in Germany in 2008. Laura tried him as a 4-year-old… she watched him loose jump and bought him straight away! Love at first sight?
The couple started off doing some Showjumping in the winter and as a 5-year-old Mr Bass got a taste for Eventing! He was always Laura’s “fun” horse so he got to go Team Chasing and some of the national hunt jockeys had jumping lessons on him coached by the one and only top competition coach Yogi Breisner!
This month Tacante had the pleasure of interviewing UK based Mr Bass owned by Laura Collett, Keith Scott and Nick How.

Where does your name come from?
Laura named me when she bought me. Her favourite TV programme is GOSSIP GIRL so I was named after one of the characters – Chuck Bass. My stable name is Chuck and my posh name is Mr Bass! He’s an arrogant, cheeky character just like me!!
Where do you live? Can you describe your stables?
I live at the Windy Hollow stables in Lambourn in West Berkshire. Lambourn located between Newbury and Swindon is famous for the training of some of the world’s finest race horses and also because I live there! I have the end stable so I get fed first and can see what everyone is up to!
How do you get on with your stable mates?
I don’t really get on with many of my stable mates because I think I’m better than them all! I think you call that arrogant don’t you!
What do you like most about your rider?
I like how much my rider loves me, I have her wrapped round my little finger. I get away with being cheeky and getting what I want because she loves me so much!! I am her baby, I always put a smile on her face. We have so much fun together.
What are your best attributes?
My best skill is my speed in cross-country… I love to gallop and jump! I have quite a few prizes under my belt: I came 1st in the 2014 CIC*YH at Camphire, 1st in the 2015 Mondial du Lion 7yo World Championships, 2nd in the 2016 CIC*** 8/9yo at Blenheim, 5th in the 2016 CI*** at Boekelo, 1st in the 2017 CIC*** at Ballindenisk, 1st in the 2017 CIC*** at Burgham, 2nd in the 2017 CCI*** at Blenheim. Impressive isn’t it?!
What is your worst flaw?
I hate having a bath… I pretend that I’ve never seen water before every time I have to get washed! Though I have a feeling that my little trick is not working so well anymore!
What is your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is NAF Minty treats… I usually help myself when I see them on the shelf! My breath smells of mint afterwards so I can’t really be discreet about it!
What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is gold, I like the gold medal I won as a 7-year-old

Which dream would you like to come true in your life?
I would like to win a few more Gold medals because I know how happy that would make my rider … she’s always telling me how much she wants to win gold medals!
What is your favourite activity?
Anything that involves jumping!
What makes you feel the happiest?
I’m happiest when I’m galloping round a cross-country course!
What do you dislike most in the world?
I really dislike dressage … I don’t really see the point in it and there’s no jumps involved! Now that I’ve read Upsilon’s interview with Tacante this is probably another topic to debate about with him!
What has been your best memory?
My best memory would be becoming 7-yeard-old World Champion in 2015 at the Lion d’Angers … I could brag to all my friends that I beat the amazing horse – Upsilon! Would Upsilon like to add anything?
Which frame of mind are you in at the moment?
I’m very chilled at the moment, I’ve just come off my holidays and I’m ready to start work again!

Do you have a life motto you would like to share with us?
“Always believe in yourself”
How can we keep up to date with your news?
Everyone can follow my rider on Twitter @CollettEventing. I always feature on there a lot because I’m her favourite!
Additional reading: Meet Qalao des Mers and Maggie May