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Atome Z

Atome Z, star of Haras des Brimbelles and son of Amadeus Z, has been performing under the saddle of his young rider Titouan Schumacher since the beginning.
Atome Z

Atome Z is a 10-year-old bay gelding of Zangersheide breed. Son of Amadeus Z (2013 Nations Cup) and grandson of Toulon (CSI5*) Atome was born to jump! He has been performing under the saddle of his young rider Titouan Schumacher since the beginning! Together they now compete in 150 and even 160 jumping competitions!

At the occasion of the Knokke Hippique Summer Circuit last week-end, Tacante interviewed the star of Haras des Brimbelles.

Where does your name come from?

I am an exceptional horse and so is the story of my name! First of all, my breeder who doubles as Titouan’s dad, is passionate about physics! Then my father’s name starts with an A and he is of Z breed! So I ended up being named Atome Z!

Do you prefer to work with a male or female rider? Why?

As I like a bit of a fight to show off my strength girls find me too tiresome so I prefer a male rider!

Where do you live?

I live at the Haras des Brimbelles located halfway between Paris and Deauville. I live in the first box stall as you enter the stables so I can gossip since I hear and see everything!

What do you like most about your stable mates?

As my bedding is made of wood shavings what I enjoy most is when my neighbours give me straw through the bars of my box stall!

What is your guilty pleasure?

To be very frank I have two guilty pleasures! I am very naughty and I love eating! Eating is my favourite though!

What is your favourite colour?

Black! I look my best when I am dressed in black!

Which dream would you like to come true in your life?

My true dream would be to have someone at my service full-time who would fulfil all my wishes!

What is your favourite discipline?

To be naughty! And jumping in my spare time!

What makes you feel the happiest?

When I spend as much time as possible in competitions. I am so heartbroken when the lorry leaves the stables without me (like my dad Titouan).

What do you dislike most in the world?

To be treated like a girl! What is it with all that nonsense: grooming, shaving my hair, taking me to see the horrible vet!

Which natural gift would you like to have?

It would help me to be the invisible horse at times especially when I have been very naughty and I am about to be scolded! I cannot stand being reprimanded!

What has been your best memory?

My first clear round in the GP160 at the Moroccan Royal Tour! It made my mum Clémence so emotional that she cried and I got lots of sweets!

Which frame of mind are you in at the moment?

Rather chilled, it is dinner time so I am about to get some hay!

Do you have a life motto you would like to share with us?

“Life is a joke!”

How can we keep up to date with your news?

You can follow our newsfeed on the Facebook pages of my rider Titouan Schumacher or on the Facebook pages of my home Haras des Brimbelles.

Additional reading: Meet Sultane des Ibis and Ghost Rider.

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