Quel Homme de Hus

Photos : © Ecurie Jérôme Guéry © Eden Farm Show © Kirsty Pascoe
From a very early age the 1.68m bay Holsteiner stallion Quel Homme de Hus by Quidam de Revel (SF) and P-Hawaii (HOLS) by Quandillo has been travelling all over Europe! Born in 2006 at Dr Andreas Kosicki’s, he is acquired at an auction as a 2.5 year-old by the Haras de Hus where he starts his schooling. Then, in 2013 he leaves the Haras de Hus to move to Tal Milstein’s stables until 2014 when he joins Gaetan Decroix’s Eden Farm in Calvados. He has been living with his current rider and co-owner Jerome Guery since 2019.
At the occasion of the 1st leg of the Longines Global Champions Tour in Doha, our special correspondent Clemence Deman got to spend a fun moment with Quel Homme and his groom Kirsty!

Where does your name come from?
I have absolutely no idea but as my sire is Quidam de Revel my name starts with a Q as well! My nickname is QH!
They are actually trying to give most of my foals a name which starts with “Quel” such as: Quel Artiste, Quel Amour.
Where do you live? Can you describe your stables?
My stables are located in Sart-Dames-Avelines in Belgium, between Waterloo and Charleroi.
My groom Kirsty lives on site in a flat above the stables so she can keep an eye on me! Saying that, she loves me so much she has become very biased
Our stable is big. It is divided into 4 corridors, one of which is fully dedicated to the stallions. My box is the first on the right-hand side in the stallions’ stable.
How do you get on with your stable mates?
I am an extremely nice horse for a stallion. However, at home you are on my turf and I am the king of the domain. The stables are mine. Is that clear enough?!
I am very gentle when I’m in my box. I never cause any problem. However, when I am being walked in the house stables I shout, to show that I am right here.
When I walk past to go and get ready, I make a point of making sure everyone knows that Quel Homme is walking past and that he is around. I’m the boss.
What do you like most about your rider?
Jerome takes me for what I am.
I am a rather playful horse, even in the arena. I can’t stand being pressured. I am easy as long as I am asked to play rather than forced to work. And Jerome does exactly that: he goes along with my personality instead of forcing me to do exercises that I don’t like.
What is your best skill?
My mindset is my true strength!
I am a horse with an extremely well balanced mental. So there is no need to worry with me, nor to be permanently on alert. There is absolutely no issue whether I have to change arena or face an impressive jump. My rider needs not be concerned. With me there is no: « QH may look here, QH may stop here…”. I have a balanced mind.
What is your worst flaw? What is the worst mischief you got into?
I don’t have any, I am perfect!
Go on, I’ll be honest!
When I get home after a competition it is better to hurry and run to my stable. At last! I’m home!
I trot down the lorry, I shout a lot. I have to show to everyone around that I am back at my home. You never know! One of the youngest might get big headed in my absence and decide to replace me as the king!
What is your guilty pleasure? Do you sometimes act like a diva? Do you have passing fancies?
I can’t stand waiting when we have reached the arena. And I only do that when we attend a competition.
When I am being re-saddled, I kick with my forefoot like an idiot because I want to get inside the arena. I am just in a hurry to compete. Whenever my girth is tightened or the saddle adjusted and I have to wait for Jerome to climb on my back, I can’t help it I kick with my forefoot.
What is your favourite colour?
We love black and white as I am black. Orange is OK too!
Which dream would you like to come true in your life?
To compete in the Olympic Games! By the way it is also Jérôme’s dream
What is your favourite activity?
I love being in the fields and I love competing! Competing is for sure my thing!
What makes you feel the happiest?
A pretty mare and above all my little treat when I get out of the arena. I love sweets. I have a sweet tooth
What do you dislike most in the world?
I can be quite impatient. I don’t like waiting.
When I am being ridden it is better to climb on my back pretty quickly. If I have to wait for too long it gets on my nerves and I am going to show it. Isn’t it normal for a star?
However, if I have decided that it is actually OK to wait for a bit – if I am relaxing under the UV lamps with my massage blanket for example – I can be patient and I will wait!
But beware, if I am being ignored I won’t wait!
What has been your best memory?
Which frame of mind are you in at the moment?
In great shape
I had a small winter break after competing in Geneva where I performed very well. I took a holiday break afterwards during which I kept working to stay in good shape.
I went to the beach in Oliva where I spent 3 weeks. I jumped a few rounds before the major competition of the Longines Global Champions Tour in Doha with the Monaco Aces Team. I am in such good mental and physical shapes.

Do you have a life motto you would like to share with us?
I enter the arena to win not to look pretty!
How can we keep up to date with your news?
On Jerome’s Insta and FB accounts. And also on my co-owner Gaetan Decroix ’s account as well as the Instagram account of the breeding farm Eden Farm.
For more interviews with jumping personalities: Atome Z or Hocus Pocus